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TLC Walk-In Clinic

TLC Veterinary Services offers a Walk-In Clinic at our location on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, from 9 – 10:30am. All their services are first come, first served, so we suggest you get here early!

Grooming appointments for these days must be made separately.

What services are available at walk-in clinics?

Vaccinations, Round, Hook, & Tape Deworming, Microchipping, Heartworm Preventatives, Flea & Tick Control, Eye & Ear Infections, Heartworm & Feline Leukemia Tests, Arthritis, Allergies, Skin Conditions, & Many other Minor Ailments.

All services are performed by a licensed veterinarian!

Who is TLC Veterinary Services?

Tender Loving Care Veterinary Services LLC is an Arizona based company with locations statewide. Our goal is to provide Quality Care at an Affordable Price. We strive to be the leader in low cost vaccinations and health care within the community, while having a strong focus on preventative care.

We offer in-house testing for diseases such as Heartworm and Feline Leukemia, and provide quality preventative care products at prices that beat out online pharmacy and supply companies. We use only the best vaccines and medications available from the leading pharmaceutical companies such as Merck, Midwest Veterinary Supply and Red Rock Biologicals.

Our promise is and always will be Quality Care at an Affordable Price! At Tender Loving Care Veterinary Services, we truly do look forward to providing for you and your animals’ needs.