How do you determine your prices?

There are a lot of things that factor into making sure our prices are fair and reasonable.

Obviously, we need to ensure we can keep a roof over our heads, pay for our water bill, and provide your pets with the highest quality shampoos and products during their groom. We also need to make sure our groomers are happy, healthy, and able to keep giving your pets the best styles for miles!

All of our groomers are independent contractors. They make 50% commission. That means that if, for example, your dog’s haircut costs $40, and it takes an hour to do your dog, then your groomer made 20 bucks for the hour’s work they did. If it took two hours to groom your dog, then your groomer has only made $10 an hour, and that’s less than minimum wage. We’ve consulted with each of the experienced groomers working with us to establish our baseline prices that help us ensure our groomers are paid a fair and livable wage.

As independent contractors, our groomers can charge their clients more or less than our shop’s baseline at their own discretion. We acknowledge that pricing can change based on each individual animal because they all have unique bodies and hair and behaviors that affect their individual grooms.

For example, If your pet is 10 lbs, it’s got short hair, it’s well behaved and you bring it in regularly, your price is going to reflect those things. If your pet is 70 or 80 lbs, it’s got very long and thick hair, lots of matting, and takes four people to hold it still so the groomer can give it a haircut, then your price is also going to reflect that. The size and weight of your dog are small factors, but they do matter as a large dog to one person can seem extra large to someone shorter, so your groomer will let you know what size category your dog falls under.

Regardless, your price should not change from the price quoted to you by the groomer at the start of your appointment. We recognize that each pet is going to come to us with unique situations and we want to be fair in both setting your expectations and providing a price that works and is fair for both you and your groomer.

As always, while we do our best to provide equally high-quality services to every pet we serve, if your pet needs specific accommodations, please let your groomer know! If your pet is kennel shy, aggressive, or fearful of other animals, needs extra time to adjust, has acquired extensive matting, or has specific medical conditions, we’ll work with you to find an appropriate appointment time and price that provides the best experience for you and your pet.

You can book your pet’s groom online or by calling 480-924-6674. We look forward to seeing you!
