The most important part of your cat’s At Home De-Shedding Routine is BRUSHING!
This will help keep shedding under control and prevent your cat from ingesting too much loose hair, which causes hairballs and can also cause serious intestinal blockages. Both short- and long-haired cats shed. Shedding is a normal, natural event in your cat’s life. By brushing your cat daily you reduce the amount of hair and more importantly dander that is shed out and into your home. Along with loose hair, brushing removes dirt and dust from her fur and helps to equally distribute natural oils, resulting in a healthier, glossier coat.
For Long-Haired Cats, we recommend that along with brushing you use a wide-toothed comb, which will help prevent longer hair from tangling and matting. Even Short-Haired Cats should be brushed or combed a minimum of twice a week.
Hairless Cats, such as the Sphynx, should be rubbed down with a soft cloth to remove the natural oils from their skin and prevent them from leaving an oily mark on your furniture.
Another important step to help you and your cat stay clean is bath time. Bathing your cat can help reduce dandruff (which causes allergies), keep the undercoat clean, and reduce shedding. And don’t forget, a monthly nail trim is necessary to keep nails short and to keep them from tearing up furniture. If adding these last two steps to your cat’s routine is causing issues at home, you can always bring your cat to your local groom shop!
We take care of our feline friends with the same great services we give the rest of your pets. We offer fantastic de-shed options and have conditioning products that are used without water to help your cat’s coats stay moisturized, soft, and smelling fresh. We can also shave your cat’s hair to a more manageable length. By reducing the amount of hair and dander you reduce allergens that many people are allergic to. We suggest those with allergies shave their cats every 3- 4 months.
You can book your cat’s groom by booking online or calling 480-924-6674 today!